Hard Times - Soft Couch

So, I have been laid off work for 45 days. It is my interesting. Although I do not miss working in the HR department, I do miss my paycheck.

Currently, I am working my part-time job as much as possible but it still does not make up for the loss in income. I got an EBT card for groceries (Great!) Completing job applications online is very time consuming and frustrating. The average application takes 45 minutes. And if you hit the wrong key you will have to start all over again. I am beginning to fall behind on my bills. (Yuck!) Trying not to let the stress get to me but it is not working.

Apparently the employees that have been laid off have now been forgotten, because there has not been anything said about us in the news lately. Apparently, the citizens have gotten used to long lines because there are no more stories about people complaining. Apparently, those employees that are eligible to return to work will probably not return to work because there are many rumors circulating that the affected departments are planning the 2012 budgets without the laid off employees. And there are also rumors circulating that further layoffs are pending.

The laid off employees are stuck in no mans land. We cannot access our pension dollars because we are not terminated. We cannot qualify for workforce development programs because we are 'still employed.' It is difficult to get a job because potential employers think that we will return to the County if we are called back from ALWOP. What the hell?!

Let me just say this, where there is a will there is a way. Shortly, after the employees were laid off there was some discussion about the salaried employees taking a 20% paycut. But apparently that has been placed on the backburner too. Especially since those employees that were working a 32 hour shift have since returned to working 40 hours. And the Commission has not said anything else about reducing the salaries of the salaried employees.

So if it was the will of the County Commission to return the laid off employees back to work, they would have placed just as much effort in finding a solution to the sewer crisis into finding a way to return the laid off employees back to work. I have given up on returning to work at Jefferson County. My focus now is on finding, a decent job as soon as possible.

Whereas, I know that people are laid off work everyday, I think people need to know how the Occupational Tax issue has negatively impacted the lives of County Employees. Because there are two sides to every story....


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