Thoughts Provoked by a Trifling Bitch

So for the last few months I have been away, because I had nothing to write about until this trifling woman started fucking with me and my daughter. Then all sorts of thoughts started coming out of my brain.
  • If people want to call me a bitch for having standards, passion, and expectations, being honest, standing up for what I believe in, and having no problem saying what I think, then I will own it on my terms.
  • Before u can demand that people respect u, u must first respect yourself.
  • You're so vain. . . U probably think that this post is about u. . .
  • You cant break a woman who thinks nothing of you and everything of herself.
  • Misery luvs company....drama, mess and bullshit.
  • Sometime u need to pick ur battles wisely. Because the battle that u think u won may cause u to lose in other areas of ur life.
  • They are some people in this world that people respect while others are just tolerated. Which one are you?
  • DIVA means Dignified, Intelligent, Vivacious and Attractive. Oh...thats me!
  • People who ALWAYS have something to say about about anything you do probably wanna be like you ..hmm
  • I am who I am. I change for no one cause no one is gonna change for me.
SHE IS MINE AND I AM HERS. Not a person or organization can come between us. She is my family. "It will take an eternity to break us up!"


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