What Is a Diva?

There are many definitions, both positive and negative of a Diva. Diva is the Latin and Italian word for goddess. Time Magazine defined a diva as a "rampaging female ego." Allwords.com defined a diva as "a person who considers herself much more important than others, has high expectations of others and becomes angry when there standards or demands are not met." And in recent years, the word diva has taken a negative tone to imply that a woman believes that the only thing that matters in the world is her and that everyone around her must cater to her.

Whereas all of the above may be true, depending upon who you ask, I define a diva as the following:

A woman who is:

  • Confident in who she is a woman

  • Who finds her most strength at what others would consider a breaking point

  • Whose life has been filled with good times and bad times but she just calls those experiences.

  • Has clearly defined standards for living her life

  • That will work hard to get what she wants out of life

So with that being said "I AM A DIVA."


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